Saturday, January 26, 2013

All Your Fault - 1/28/13

New episode of Adventure Time on Monday:  "All Your Fault"!  Like "Goliad" from last season, this is one where I came up with the premise myself, then brought it to the writers to bounce it around and plus it up.  "Goliad" changed a lot in the writers room I remember, but this one was pretty much fully formed from the get go.
At any rate- I co-wrote and co-boarded it with the amazing Steve Wolfhard, who I've been working with since the end of season 4. I think we've been making some really solid stuff, and it's torture waiting for it all to hit the airwaves! Hope y'all dig it.


andy ristaino said...

awesome drawing tom. sweet colors too.

Thomas Herpich said...

Thanks Andy!

Anonymous said...

wow i love everything about this

Unknown said...

incredible. gave me the same sense of goliad, an entire miyazaki movie's worth of epicness and character development. Goliad's movement from supposed innocence (though a hint of moral heredity is implied) towards evil vs. finn's moral heredity in birdo. compared to the lemongrab moral heredity, being that they still eat candy, but turn it sour, and unexpected circumstances on different scales of lemonlife. Also reminded me of the giant heart from lady and peebles. the background designs just keep getting more and more satisfying. This is some truly inspiring stuff. Candy scientists have pretty bad luck in lab children. and its compounded when the lab children make lab children. could the gumball guardians have beaten lemon john?

Thomas Herpich said...

Thanks y'all! Kind words big time.

Nate- it's funny you mention the gumball guardians; there used to be one sitting on the castle wall in the shot where Lemonjon is advancing with his arm raised. I never thought about who would win, but had him taken out just cause he made Lemonjon seem smaller and less threatening. I don't know who would win... I'd root for Lemonjon though.

Emz said...

Hi there Thomas! I really enjoy your artwork!

Do you have any plans to eventually release your comic book "White Clay" in a digital version? I'd love to buy it and support you but I no longer purchase printed comics (no place to store them).

Thomas Herpich said...

Thanks Emz-
No such plans at the moment. I bet that'll happen some day, but it might not be for a long while.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

true, i'd root for him subconsciously too. He's the greatest lemon to have ever lived. As an aspiring animation director i'm so thankful for these episodes which are basically clinics on character development. I had to make some fan art man:

Unknown said...

and this is my goliad from back in the day:

Thomas Herpich said...

Awesome. Keep up the good work man.

Unknown said...

lol ok last one. lemonjon as lemon galactus: