Friday, April 22, 2011

Heat Signature - 4/25/11

Hey y'all-  I'm in the middle of a month of traveling, so I'm just gonna toss these scans up un-fiddled-with (I made a couple of em, cause I didn't like the first one, but now everyone else seems to like it better, so here they both are).  But yeah:  new Adventure Time, monday night- check it out.  Also, a disclaimer, so expectations don't get skewed, this second drawing has almost nothing to do with the actual episode... fun to draw though.


David Ziggy Greene said...

Hey, where you traveling around?

Thomas Herpich said...

I was in North Carolina for a few weeks, and now I'm up hanging around Connecticut and New York for another week and half.

MigraineSam said...

Man, those are awesome sketches. How much would you sell those for?

Thomas Herpich said...

Hey Sam, thanks.
I'm not sure what I'd sell them for... I may just start putting them up on ebay soon and see what happens.

MotherThing said...

"Heat Signature" didn't air on the 25th and hasn't run since). What happened? They played "Crystals Have Power" instead. I recorded every episode this week where they don't list the title, just in case. No love.

Thomas Herpich said...

Yeah- sorry about that. I'm pretty sure it got rescheduled for May 9th (the week after the "season finale"). It came at the end of the season 2 production schedule, so it's no surprise that it ended up there. Seemed like a long-shot from the start to try bump it up by two weeks.

Spegetti Sawse said...

Awesome work, as usual. What kind of colored pencils/watercolors are you using?

Thomas Herpich said...


These two were with a pentel stylo-

As far as watercolor/colored pencil, I just use whatever's around.
Lately it's prismacolors and a cheapo kids watercolor set.