This sad little guy was made with the leftovers of the final group of pieces. It's interesting for me to look at how what's essentially the same portrait, only created from progressively fewer resources, begins to degrade more and more with each new version. Sorta like "House of Cosbys".
well i like it. it looks really cool
weird and cool! I love it.
lovin the blog guys, keep it up!
These are amazing! It took me a minute to find the face, but I'm just kinda slow that way.
very interesting. and abstract.
i like it!
i like the flour, it is badass my kind of art! im new to blogger so please check out my page and please please comment my posts.
heksagonal what mean?
i love your blog...avid follower your vicious, lovely comics, th epictures move me! please follow me too...feel free to ask me a question...
Congrats Blogs of Note!!!!
it is good subiect plz read my blog sudani2006.blogspot.com and tell me what u think about my blog and how i can improv it
great stuff and a blog of note
I like it.Seeing the pictures as well as the steps you made, to get to the final shape of it I only could add:you did a great job.
Visit my blog
Congrats on Blogs of Note!
Passing, wow thiophene, your skill is pretty good
Great for any lover of hexagons.....well done !
Always good to have new eyes on your work eh? I really Like this, seeing the evolution of your work. It gives a nice perspective.
I'm looking forward to following it.
I think this one may be my favorite of the whole bunch. It's beautiful and kind of melancholy, quiet, and a little sad.
Beautiful !
I love it !
This looks pretty awesome. I really like the colors you chose and the whole concept of being able to switch the blocks at any time and make a new image.
check out my blog for cool content and commentary http://enjoyyoureverysecond.blogspot.com
and add me as a friend, i love meeting new people!
wow. . .http://sidewayz-thedriftphilosophy.blogspot.com/
nice one!!
love them!!!! 100% JUST LOVE THEM!!!
Congratulations on being chosen a "Blog of Note".
your blog and photos are so nice
you can visit me at:
my drawings
Very interesting its blog, knows mine !!!
greetings !!!
This one looks very soft, like a face in tree bark...like it's there by pure coincidence. I like it
it takes more than naked eyes to understand your expression thru these hexagonal stonewares. Well and interesting posts to relax with, and let one' simagintaion free reign at times. Thanks flour.
i just have to say, this blog is amazing. really really incredible, actually. this is the kind of art that i hope i can make someday.
don't be sad that its over. be grateful that it happened.
should i be sad that his relationship is over or be grateful that he is back?
sad that it is over.
he may be back but he is not happy.
there us nothing worse than a sad friend.
why should i care about what she thinks? she believes devoutly and forms her life around mystical fables. what if we started to worship the tortoise from the tortoise and the hare? it would be just about as ridiculous as believing in god.
the day before easter the dog nearly git her leg cut off.
things don't taste like what they look.
its not having what you want, its wanting what you've got.
it is odd imagining two separate parts of your life symultaneously
i don't know what to write as my day has been so uneventful. the kitchen is being repainted the same colour that it already is.
i went for a walk and nearly lost the dog. everyone else are always busy.
i hate moving, changing environments. i never know what to do. i want to work tomorrow as i didn't today. but when you move into a non working environment, you seem to want to do everything that requires the least amount of effort.
i watched a lot of tv today. i wont tomorrow. i need to unpack as well. i just cant handle the boredom.
you know, he is as her.
both lonely and both alone.
she wants to be friends but she needs to get over him first. the faster she can get over him, the faster they can be friends, the faster they can get back together.
when you speak without thinking, you say what you think.
magic will sort it out in the end.
wear your shoes every other day and they will last twice as long.
then you speak the awful, cruel truth.
i hate you.
and they return
i know, i hat you too, i love arguing with you.
i hate arguing with you, you belittle me, irrationally contradict me, speak over me.
i really hate you.
i know. (you don't care or you don't understand)
i hate you. who do i talk to? what do i say? will she remember... what. she is in so much pain alone. i will be there for her. but can she accept that? can she?
Hey guys,
Please don't stop posting just because you're famous all of the sudden and you're being slammed with posts. I miss seeing the work.
I have to say that this has caused a nice revelation in me that there are worse things than getting no comments on your blog.
Cool. I found your blog confusing and enlightening, I feel hungry now. I am not sure why I am posting but I feel odd not posting as I am moved by your art.
wow... what is it>?
Cool! I've never seen like this.
Thanks Stephen
We haven't slowed down posting because of all the comments, just busy with personal stuff and work, plus Tom doesn't have a computer for the time being.
Also thanks for everyone's enthusiasm and comments.
What's 'missing' leaves the mind to display a entire different thing for each viewer. It's an invitation to create in the mind.
My name is Guilherme, i'm from Brazil. Once, i was surfing the Blogger and found out about you blog. I was stupified by your artwork, specially this hexagon blocks. So, since i have a blog of my own, i decided to comment about your art there. The link is http://setivessepensadonissoantes.blogspot.com/
So, i'm asking you if i can post your art there. I know it's in portuguese, but i garanteed you that i mention your blog and that you are the artist behind it. I just wanted to spread the word about how fantastic this paintings are. If you don't agree with it, please, let me know so that i can erase the post.
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