I'd been penpals with
Jesse Moynihan since at least 8 or 9 years ago, ever since I stumbled onto some old issues of Assificado that my brother's roomate had lying around, and felt compelled to get in touch. About a year ago we finally met in person when he (like me a year or so before) dropped everything to move to the west coast and work on Adventure Time.
Anyway, now we're realpals, and we even got to do an episode together too. It was effortless and fun, and came out really great. It's got a real good balance to it; I can watch it over and over and it doesn't get old. A lot of credit for that goes to Justin Roiland too, who voiced the Earl of Lemongrab, and crushed it perfectly.
Anyways, it's called Too Young, and you can check it out on Monday night on Cartoon Network.
(Oh yeah, I almost forgot- Jesse and I made this promo drawing together. He penciled in Peppermint Butler, Cinnamon Bun, Finn and Princess Bubblegum, and I drew the rest and finished it up.)